
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Yay! Finally we have snow!
We bundled up in our winter fashion, and headed outside!

My babies have been in LOVE with spray bottles lately,
So I hurried and put some food coloring in them,
and we went outside.
M. had a great time spraying and spraying the snow.

H. just held his bottle and ate snow.
 But the major bonus from spraying the snow, is they stayed outside a lot longer out it in because they didn't get so cold!

It was magical to find our sidewalk chalk rainbow from the day before.
Which she sprayed too.

Spray bottle fun!

Then when the spray bottle lost it's excitement,
She made snow angels,
With Daddy's help,

Made her own mini snow girl,

And was pulled around and around in the sled!
 Bless the Snow!
 And Daddy for being so dang amazing!


  1. Awe! Looks like a super FUN day!!! Hope it sticks around for awhile!!

  2. No hats? It must be warmer there than here. My kids have been enjoying the snow as well.

  3. Ha ha! No hats, bad mommy alert! We were just in such a hurry to get outside that I forgot! Luckily no one caught pnemonia {yet!}.

  4. Aww how lovely! We'll get snow someday... someday (sigh)
    New follower & FB fan here from For the Kids Friday Linky :)

    The Mommies Made Me Do It @

  5. Great idea to use spray bottles to color the snow! My tot and preschooler would have a blast with this activity!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce


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