
Monday, January 9, 2012

The Letter W (WORMS!)

Today we used our sense of touch to learn about the letter W

We started by reading Worm's Wagon
Which is a sweet little book about Ww words,
and friendship.

Then we wiggled like a worm (so I could buy time and get them all into their paint smocks)

Then we did worm painting!
I'm sure you've seen this on-line,
but it is SUPER fun!
All I did was cook some spaghetti noodles,
and put tempera paint on it,
and mixed it around really well.

I took some construction paper and wrote the letter Ww,
but you could always make a copy onto card stock.
I really wanted them to connect the letter Ww to what they were doing.

The kids LOVED it!

They could have played with this all day!
They loved picking it up, and rubbing it around.
It was a great sensory activity!

If when I do this again, I will only give them a couple of noodles,
so the can put it on top of the letter W, and make a worm W.
Then, they could go to town with all of the noodles.
This would also be great to learn how to mix colors.
Only have red, yellow and blue noodles,
and papers to make green, orange, and purple.

A happy mess!!
And I sure am glad I covered the table first!!
(The only thing I was strict about was no noodles could fall on the floor.)

Then we went upstairs for our wormy snack...
I found this cute little worm here.
I printed him out and had the kids put gummy worms to make the letter W.

Then we had a worm in water for our snack.
I made blueberry jello with a gummy worm inside.

The kids had a fun time digging the worms out,
it took them longer than I thought it would...


  1. I love the spaghetti painting. Looks like so much fun! I will have to try that with my kids. I have posted a link to these great ideas on the Mess for Less facebook page. I am a new FB fan visiting from Made by Little Hands. Vicky from Mess For Less

  2. What fun! We did something like this with Turkey art & my kids giggled and giggled =-) I love the worm with gummy worms - I bet the kids LOVED making/eating that!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! See you next week,
    Beth =-)

  3. This looks like so much fun! I'm a new follower and I am so glad I found your blog! If you have time please stop by my blog, it's fairly new!

  4. looks so much fun!!! Need to try this out with my daughter :) Am already a follower but now following you through FB.


  5. What a great post and blog you have here....ihave enjoyed looking around and am your newest follower on GFC. Love the worm theme!

  6. Fun Fun and more fun my little man would love this!

  7. eww gross! spaghetti painting! but what fun! :D

  8. Painting with the worm noodles looks like so much fun!

  9. What good messy fun, and a cute snack too!

  10. This really looks like fun! The spaghetti is so colorful!

  11. What an awesome sensory experience - and letter fun, too! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I pinned your post to my Any-Season Sensory Tubs/Sensory Experiences Pinterest board at

  12. I've found your great site through Read Explore Learn! We will be working on the letter W soon, and I am going to try your spaghetti painting. What a messy fun idea! I'm a new follower thru GFC, I would love for you to stop by my site sometime!


Thanks for your great comments!