
Friday, May 11, 2012

Road Trip...Organized!

When I first saw this idea on pinterest, from Martha Stewart,
I knew I had to give it a try!

So I went to the store, about a year ago, and bought some shoe organizers,
(mine had 24 pockets, so I cut it in half)
One for him and one for her!
All you do is attach the shoe organizers with twine or string
to the back of the driver and passenger seat.
I cut a couple of pockets and used iron on tape to make some large pockets for coloring books etc.

This is his version:

From L-R it has a leapster, snacks, hammer and wooden pegs, toy trains,

Wonder Wow art book, stapled paper and colored pencils, and a LeapPad,

Zoo zoo pet, calculator, stickers and books.

We were super lucky because our neighbor with teenagers gave us two LeapPads!

This is her version:

Pipe cleaners with beads, Princess dolls, snacks, paper stapled together with stickers and colored pencils,

My little ponies, magnetic princesses, sticker book.

LeapPad, Barbies, and books.

And they worked!!
We had these all set up in the car before they got in,
During our road trip that took 6 hrs both ways,
they were kept occupied the whole time!
We had a video player on the stand by,
but they really never needed it.
I was shocked!
We had a blast on our cousins trip!

We went hiking in some slot canyons,

Miss sweetie pie was careful enough,
to pick up a butterfly!

And on our way home we stopped to eat some food,
and we found a free petting zoo with a zebra, llamas, peacocks,
sheep, and this cute goat who kept eating her hair.

1 comment:

  1. Cute ideas as always! We are sort of anti-DVD player on trips so this might actually make that dream a reality. :)


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